Young World


"Young World", the English textbook for primary school classes 3 to 6, familiarises the children with the foreign language in a natural and playful manner. It is action- and topic-oriented employs authentic materials from everyday life, and fosters the development of a functional command of several languages.
Combining language-learning with topics suited to pupils is central to "Young World". Topic-centered teaching makes sure that children have fun learning English.
In the course of a unit, pupils acquire both vocabulary and language structures by working on action-oriented tasks. In so doing, they learn everything they need to perform the task at the end of the unit. At the same time, they acquire competencies that transcend individual subjects.
Using transparent learning goals and simple questions for self-evaluation such as "What am I learning here? What am I already capable of?", "Young World" promotes cognitive awareness at an early stage. The questions for self-evaluation can be found in the Activity Book, at the end of each unit.
"Young World" attaches great importance to learning strategies and techniques of vocabulary acquisition. In the context of a task, a learning strategy is introduced and applied in each unit. The pupils also become familiar with strategies and techniques of how to learn words. All of the strategies are taken up repeatedly as part of the spiral learning progression.