
The film platform is the leading collaborative online media library for educational organisations from primary tothird level education.The platform allows users to record, editand share audio-visual content such as TV programmes, DVDs or online videoswith teachers and students. Additionally, it providesaccesstoallcontentcuratedbythe participating schools. The current content amounts to more than 150’000tutorials,TV and radio programmes, documentaries and feature films. About 15’000 users contribute daily to further extend this film archive.The software and the infrastructure are made available as a service (software, infrastructure, platform as a service) andall the legal copyright requirements are fully met.Visit Product Site

The Prowise ProLine+ series is the next generation of touchscreens, bringing educationand classes to life! This means collaboration and interaction at a new level. The 20-point multi-touch screen creates an engaging environment, especially when using thetouch table tools in the Presenter software.The ProLine+ is equipped with Prowise Central software, ProWrite Ink, an integrated sound bar, anti-glare screen technology and much more.Our touchscreens are some of the most energy- efficient worldwide. They comply with the ENERGY STAR standards, and the ProLine+ is marked with an A/A+ energy label.The Prowise iPro Mobile Lift System adds valueto your classes and makes your touchscreen even more innovative and accessible for all.Our iPro Lift Systems communicate with Prowisetouchscreens.Operating the system with your foot and Prowise Central ensures that you can direct your undivided attention to the screen. This liftsystem is the safest in existence and in this combination, it is a pioneer on a globalscale.Visit Product Site

Thurgau, my home is an interactive digital learning medium for pupils of all grades. Thelearning medium was developed by eduteam GmbH in cooperation with the educational department of the canton of Thurgau.It is interdisciplinary and combines learning content from the subject of NMG (nature, people and society) and the corresponding specialised fields with the required ICT skillsof the new curriculum.For each of the 28 units the pupilsdevelopa media-based product for publishing on the platform. A wide range of information in the form of data, pictures and sources isavailable for revision; the highlight isadigital timeline of the history of the canton ofThurgau. Teachers and users are supported by tutorials, commentaries and a helpdesk.Visit Product Site

With the Bionics Kit children can playfully immerse themselves in the fascinating worldof bionics and create their own bionics- inspired robots.The Bionics Kit contains the materials tobuildthreedifferentbionics-inspiredprojects:•Bionicelephant•Bionicfish•BionicchameleonAll bionic objects are actuated by servo drives and controlled by a microcontroller. Detailed instructions allow students to createthe objects and easily control them by using their smartphones, tablets, or computers.All Courseware is available in electronic format free of charge on the platform.Visit Product Site

ittleBits Droid Inventor Kit now includes in- app coding! Kids can create their own Droid and bring it to life using littleBits electronic blocks. With the Droid Inventor app, they can control their Droid, give it new abilities with easy block-based coding, and take it on22+ missions. Then kids can level-up their inventor expertise and reconfigure their Droid to give it new skills, or design any Droid they can dream up. The kitcomes with everything kids need to create and customise their R2 Unit straight out of the box. Initial assembly is easy with step-by- step instructions to create their Droid and control it in Drive Mode, Self-Nav, Force™ Mode and more. After masteringtheirDroid Inventor skills, kids continue on to challenges that spark creativity and getthem inventing brand-newDroids.Visit Product Site

Speexx Smart Learning provides custom language training and assessment solutionsfor international corporations – all services included. Speexx helps HR and L&D to drivebusiness agility and make a real impacton the bottom line. The world’s leading language training solution offers mobile and online testing and learning availableanytime and anywhere across all borders, devices and time zones. Available for Business English, French, Spanish, German and Italian.Visit Product Site

The history app Fleeing the Holocaust enables young people, within the frameworkof the lessons and outside, to individually encounter five people who had to flee from being murdered during the Holocaust. The five survivors from three countries tell stories of their flight in a series of films. The youths can download the app in all commonformats onto their smart phones, tabletsor computers. Via film, they are told about the escape story of their choice as well as the time before and afterwards, and duringthis film of approximately 20 minutes they decide on two of four aspects they would like to deal with in depth. Thus, they turnfrom listeners to narrators. Thesedocumentsas well as the youths’ own reflections are continuously collected in anindividualPDF document, which becomes their own testimonial. A short present-day escape story shows the current relevance of this topic and serves to round it off. On the basisof the experiences and reflections supportedby the PDF document, the topic is treated and expanded on in class.Visit Product Site

The EISfuchs product line currently consistsof a series of modular tools for mathematicseducation and some didactic games.By practicing the basic skills using tangiblematerials, the child gradually enters the world of arithmetic. The starting point for this is provided by Cuisenaire rods, which have long been popular among children.EISfuchs shows how the triple step of handling–drawing–abstraction can be implemented for children aged between5 and 10 years in an age-appropriate way. This triple step, known among didactic experts as enactive–iconic–symbolic, inspired the name of EISfuchs.Visit Product Site

Successful teaching and learning of French is ensured with the new textbook Ça bouge.Children will learn to use French as a meansof communication. Thanks to exciting, age- appropriate topics, they are focused and motivated from the outset.In addition, Ça bouge raises awareness of the value of linguistic and cultural diversity while activating any existing knowledgeof other languages. Building up learningstrategies and reflecting on one’s own learning are other important features.Ça bouge greatly supports weaker learners but also contains extensive material for gifted and quick pupils. Naturally, it is in full accordance with Curriculum 21.Visit Product Site

Tellimero is a small recording and playback device in the shape of a pen. With the help of the pen you can record and play back voice recordings. You can also make use of a huge range of learning materialsdesigned for thepen.Tellimero can be used in various ways:•Independent and playful learning athome•Professional work in inclusion classesandschoollessonsThe advantages:•Create your own audio recordings andplace them anywhere usingstickers•Can be modified at any time accordingtothe user and currentsubjects•Versatile uses: German as asecondlanguage, teaching maths, foreign languagesetc.•Free downloads recommended for the Tellimero pen available in our onlineshop•Easy to use on your PC athome,thanks to USBconnectionVisit Product Site

mathbuch IF is intended for teachers at regular schools and at special-needs or integrated schools with students who have learning difficulties in mathematics. It features comprehensive exercises that enable students to acquire any missing basic skills, promote the understanding ofmathematical content at early secondary school level, and closegaps.The textbook is oriented towards the reduced minimum requirements of Curriculum 21 and the competence goals of vocations with shortened apprenticeships. Students with special educational needs work with the same schoolbook as the rest of the class whileusing copysheets with the modified learning steps of mathbuchIF.Visit Product Site

This publication with integrated film examples aims to provide teachers with impulses for inclusive teaching in apractical and pragmaticway.The focus lies on the inclusion of learnerswith intellectual disabilities.It guides teachers at special educational needs schools to a reflected and theory- based understanding and approach to planning, teaching and reflecting on theirlessons.The publication introduces the topic ina practical way and reifies it, without neglecting the theoretical background.The film examples of different settings (Special Needs School and Regular School) give an insight into what inclusive teaching can look like in practice.Visit Product Site

As a first in Switzerland, the Reading Boxprovides differentiating reading material by presenting the same text at three different levels (easy, medium, difficult). This gives children optimum support in building up their reading competencies.There are a total of ten texts for childrenlearning to read: seven fiction and threenon-fiction texts, all of them featuringa layout conducive to reading and illustrations appropriate for children.An accompanying booklet with helpful comments on the respective versions of the text and an A1 format poster with exercises relating to the texts additionallysupport teachers in imparting language competence in class.Visit Product Site

The textbooks of the series Technik und Design on technical and textile design have been developed in cooperation with experts from academia, education andapplied sciences and are based on theSwissCurriculum 21. The concept of theseriesis based on a multi-perspective didactic approach and integrates interdisciplinary references to the subjects nature, people,society as well as media and information technology.Visit Product Site

Who is in power in Switzerland? What arethe tasks of the UNO? The textbook Politik und Du deals with these and otherquestions. It focuses on wide-ranging sources and resources as well as offering compelling work assignments that inspirestudents to think, assess and act. Each chapter ends with a test reviewing what has been learnt. Politik und Du is aimed at students of the lower-secondary level. Complementary digital teaching aids are available accompanying handbook contains didactic advice on each chapter and the individual assignments, as well as more in-depth information and suggested solutions to the assignments.Visit Product Site

Tell your computer what to do: do you want itto display pictures, play melodies, send messages? The Oxocard can be manythings:piano, clock or toy. Just give it the right commands. The Oxocard and the workbook introduce children to the fascinatingworldof programming. Within a short time, learners will make the device flash and beep. The teaching material is suitable for teaching media and computer science as well as the optional subject of computer science at lower-secondary level. Aseparateteachers’ commentary contains backgroundinformation and suggested solutions to the assignments.Visit Product Site

How do young people find an affordable apartment? How do co-living apartments work? What does cooperative member participation mean? These and other questions about the housing market and cooperative living are examined on thenew learning platform for vocational schools: www.genossenschaften-machen-schule. ch. This platform enables learners to work independently on content presented in five practice-oriented modules. It includes a variety of assignments, information in the form of texts, videos and pictures, as well as individual research. The modules can be completed online or printed out. Practical insight can be gained through expert visits and excursions to cooperative housing developments. In addition, suggestions for classroom didactics and school projects areavailable toteachers.Visit Product Site

The Fair Battles school project focuses on important topics such as social justice, consumerism, fair trade, equality and sustainability, inspiring participants to think on a global scale. They will playfully experience these issues through auniquely altered foosball table. Students have the opportunity to try on different roles and become more aware of the global economy and their personal impact.They develop their social conscience by individually researching and practically applying their ideas for a betterworld.•Target Group: Teenagers, 13 yrs–18yrs•Duration:One week to 3 months•Location: In/outsideof schoolVisit Product Site

Atelier français helps to extend and consolidate knowledge of general French grammar at ESP levels A1.1 to B1.2.Learners find some 8000 exercises for interactive practice, repetition and self- testing. The 54 modules can be selected via grammar topic or via ESP level.The training programme stands out for its ingenious modular structure and progressive step-by-step exercises.Engaging short stories also enable a fresh approach.Visit Product Site

The world is complex, i.e. connected and dynamic. And yet we often approach complex problems in isolation, taking a static view of issues both large (societal) and small. This is not the way to master difficulties.In the free teaching modules of this theme, participants gain an understanding of complexity and networked thinking using an action-oriented approach. They recognise the most important errors and keys to success when dealing with complex situations. A diverse range of tools enables the participants to deal with complexity in their own lives. They also learn to soundly evaluate (political) measures using their newly-acquired knowledge.Visit Product Site

The llongwill® Mobile Science Exploration System for Primary School consists of a series of sensors, a data display module, a wireless transmitter, mobile terminals and an App software, with no need for a data logger and various cables.This is not only a revolutionary method for experiment teaching and scientific inquiry in the mobile Internet era, but is also helpful to the establishment of a cloud system for science education. Furthermore, it promotes the improvement of learning archives,the sharing of learning materials and the implementation of systematic evaluation.Visit Product Site

Welcome to STEAM Park by LEGO® Education– Learning STEAM through playSTEAM Park builds on every child’s natural curiosity and desire to create and explore.STEAM Park enables preschool teachers to bring STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, maths) to life in theirclassroom with versatility, creativity and lots of learning through play.Visit Product Site

startklar – Deutsch für Jugendliche is a newly designed textbook for German as a Second Language (DaZ) at lower secondary level I. It covers the three levels of A1, A2 and B1 in accordancewith the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Every academic year, the students have a topic book, a workbook and a website at their disposal.The textbook allows students without any knowledge of German a sound introduction to the German language and offers them help until they start their regular lessons.At the same time, it provides basic language skills required at school in accordance with Curriculum 21, which also makes it suitable for young people without a migratory background.Visit Product Site

Durchblick Geografie Geschichte is an innovative textbook in two volumes for geographical and historical learning in the subject nature, people, society – spaces, times, societies. It meets the requirements of Curriculum 21 with regardsto exercises, content and information. The textbook was developed by highly experienced secondary school teachers who were deeply involved in the development of Curriculum 21. The materials, including a workbook, as well as complementary materials for teachers including a CD-ROM and a Bibox- cover the competencies and content at lower- secondary level in the subjects Geography and History as defined by Curriculum 21,- take into consideration the four aspects Observing the world, Discovering the world, Orientating oneself in the world and Acting in the world,¥ communicate the connection between spatial and historical structures and processes in clear, plain language, with concise texts and solvable tasks,- are structured in a practice-oriented format tailored to the students' needs and- allow for internal differentiation andindividualisation in class.Visit Product Site

NaTech 1|2, 3|4, 5|6 is a textbook series divided into four parts (topic book, research book, printed commentary and online commentary) for the science lessons of years 1 to 6 at primary level. All of the skills in the first five skill areas of Curriculum 21 can be holistically developed and deepened with this textbook.For each two-year period, ten science topics (e.g. senses, technology, weather and diversity) are taught through recurring learning units. This way, new and existingknowledge can be linked up in the curriculum principie, and the topics can be deepened and extended.Visit Product Site

bildwärts is a new textbook for art classes for years 3 to 9. It is based on Curriculum 21 and is in keeping with the creative process and subject areas outlined in the curriculum.The textbook is designed exclusively for teachers. Its two 200-page handbooks provide a rich pool of lesson ideas as well as concrete didactic approachesto content. It is complemented by downloadable digital teachingmaterials. It thus equips teachers with a comprehensive aid for optimum planning, implementation and further development of their art lessons.Visit Product Site

Kinder begegnen Natur und Technik is the new textbook for the subject Nature and technology designed for kindergarten level. It provides children with their first scientific knowledge and practical skills, which are followed up and developed in accordance with the principles of Primary and Secondary school level I. The textbook series contains a lesson folder, a large format illustrated book, a picture card box and a CD with songs to sing along to.The textbook shows a whole variety of ways in which children can experience nature and technology, as well as deepen and extend this experience in a way that is suited to their age. It revolves around a sensoryand playful engagement with objects and creatures from their everyday world.Visit Product Site

Gesellschaften im Wandel is a new cross- media level-specific textbook for history and politics at secondary school level I. Thetextbook offers diverse approaches to history and politics for all performance levels. It is designed in keeping with the skill guidelines of Curriculum 21.The subject book retraces historical developments dating back from prehistory up to the present day. Students learn about the way people in different ages and cultures used to live. With printed and digital sources suitable for their level, they learn how totap into the past themselves. Interactive exercises, films and audio documents from the website support the development of basic political knowledge. The handbook provides teachers with 12 modular topic- based methods (Erkundungswege). The website offers compact lesson aids such as year plans and prepared sets of worksheets.Visit Product Site

Weltsicht is a new textbook for geography at secondary school level I that is designed for developing the skills required for Curriculum 21. It has been created on the basis of the latest educational developments in Geography with close reference to how the subject is actually taught in schools.It tackles both current and historic issues, offering an innovative formulation of tasks that enriches the student’s learning process.The textbook covers five major topic areas, which are further explored in the workbook through a variety of coordinated task formats. Weltsicht provides teachers with a concise supporting commentary throughout each chapter, help for planning lessons,as well as proposed lesson plans that can be directly implemented. The additional material available on the website offers a variety of ways to differentiate and vary lesson plans.Visit Product Site

dis donc! is a new universal French textbook series for pupils of years 5 to 9, based on Curriculum 21. The individual issues are geared towards specific levels, where dis donc! 5 and dis donc! 6 create the basis for years 7 to 9 to learn according to the spiral principle. dis donc! contains a workbook (hard copy or digital), a digital learning platform, a universal reference book, a commentary and supplementary guides for the teachers.The textbook series builds on authentic instead of didactic input material. Texts, audio documents or film clips on the topic from the living environment of the students stimulate their desire to learn naturally and in a way that is conducive to learning.Visit Product Site

New power supply, for electrical engineering and power electronics experiments in an electronics environment.
This power supply is connected to mains
necessary currents for a number of electrical engineering experiments (1-phase and 3-phase Alternative Current, Direct Current (for induction and excitation)).
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Claned is an adaptive on-line learning platform for everyone that helps users learn better in real time.
Claned personalises learning to each individual user, improving their study motivation and learning results. This is made machine learning and world-class pedagogy, revealing the factors impacting individual learning.
Claned ́s unique solution increases the personalised learning, an adaptive curriculum, a solid lifelong learning experience, and collaborative and social features. With real-time analytics, both educator and student receive insights into factors impacting the learning progress.
Claned is a cloud-based, content agnostic organisations anywhere.
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The Gratnells Callero MakerSpace trolley serves as a central focus for collaborative working, making it a reliable resource centre for all types of project work in STEM/STEAM education storage tray and insert options whilst storage
to the backboard and side panels in many arrangements. The trolley also features
a robust steel frame and large lockable castors. Easy cable management means electrical items, like Gratnells PowerTray, can be conveniently used on the work surface whilst Callero Rover makes the ideal companion trolley.
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This high quality hands-on unit
CHEMISTRY consists of two basic sets,
two electrochemistry sets, one molecular structure set and one datalogging sensor set, safety burner, stand and carefully tested workbooks written by experienced teachers. An optional radioactivity (nuclear chemistry) set is available.
The unit contains all required material for two students – except chemical agents –
in accordance with current international curricula (secondary I/II level). It is meant for safe hands-on experiments during regular lessons – working in pairs and following
the workbook instructions. Furthermore, thanks to easily understandable workbooks and durable materials, it is a convincing, sustainable demonstration solution for developing countries with restricted budgets and inexperienced teachers.
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Evaluation 2018

Ceremony 2018