The products can be submitted within the six categories which directly correspond to the ISCED classification adopted by UNESCO.
- Early childhood educational product ( ISCED 020)- Primary and lower secondary education I (ISCED 1-2) (K12)- Upper secondary and post- secondary non tertiary education (ISCED 3-4) - Post - compulsory education (ISCED 5-8)- Technical and Vocational Education and Training- Special needs education
All educational fields / areas will be accepted as long as the submitted product is not a sample but commercially available.- ICT (digital technology products)- Non- ICT (other mainly haptic learning aids)
In each category products which are rated 70% or higher will be considered and thereof one ICT product and one Non-ICT will be chosen. In addition the “Worlddidac Swisscom Award” for the best digital solution, as well as the “Worlddidac Innovative Approach Award” for the most exceptional product, will be presented.
The evaluation process is divided into two parts. As a first step, the products are assessed and judged by a group of professional teachers. The second part requires a physical evaluation and presentation in front of the panel of international experts.
The Products must be market ready and cannot be prototypes. The teachers assess and judge the quality of the products based on the implementation in terms of day-to-day usage. They focus primarily on educational and didactic aspects. The panel of experts consists of international specialists in the field of education and concentrates foremost on basic aspects, educational value, design, and sustainability. The composition of the jury is balanced between experts from Switzerland and other continents.