Schauplatz Ethik 1/2


"Schauplatz Ethik" is a new, competency-based teaching resource for guiding lessons in the field of ethics. With four volumes for years 1 to 9, each one building on the content of the last, it covers the competency areas of 'basic human experience', 'philosophy', 'values and norms', and 'forming ethical judgments'. All four volumes will be available in June 2020.
The new teaching resource for the first to third cycle encourages philosophical thinking and ethical decision-making. It takes as its starting point the question: 'What is a good life, and how can we lead one?' The aim is for pupils to learn to reflect on experiences, values, and norms. They should become more aware of their personal values, examine these in relation to other people’s, and discuss their differences respectfully. In the course of this, they encounter basic concepts such as equity, freedom, solidarity, responsibility, and human dignity. They learn to apply philosophical lenses to a range of topics and expand their horizons.
The teaching resource is not primarily concerned with communicating values, but rather developing an awareness of the value systems that are reflected in contentious issues or problematic situations.