Glarner Heimatbuch - analog trifft digital 


The tradition of the "Glarner Heimatbuch" goes back to the 19th century. However, even this tradition cannot resist digitalization. The new project shows how analog meets digital. Digital learning units are used to refer to the texts in the analog book. The learners are confronted with the topic. They expand their knowledge and skills and transfer them through own projects. A central point in the implementation of the student projects are also the application skills of media and computer science. The digital "Heimatbuch" cooperates with many institutions of the canton, which for example provide historical sources or excursions and involves many teachers in the implementation. In a 360° virtual reality environment (to do 2020), the materials and expert knowledge are also made available to adults. The "GlarnerHeimatbuch" is thus being expanded for lifelong learning. The basic idea, the tools and the implementation can be adapted to other topics of other teaching and learning materials. What is important about this learning medium is that it will continue to expand. The next stage of expansion is a new book (2020/21) and it should be possible to publish the student projects (2021/22). It is therefore never finished and so defined by the client.