English Buddy


"English Buddy" is an elementary school English e-learning system that is on the basis of the "Self-determination theory", an intrinsic motivation theory that is widely utilized in the research of motivation in foreign language learning, in its motivation strategy."English Buddy" is a commercial web-based educational website developed for children in Korea for whom English is not the native language. Macmillan and Oxford’s outstanding reading programs are included in "English Buddy’s" services to increase the quality and effectiveness of its content. Due to licensing issues, "English Buddy" does not share data, content, and services with other vendors. However, the content of its "buddy library", which includes various animations, ani-songs, ani-chants, and e-books, is accessible to the public.
"English Buddy" ensured that its contents support students with disabilities:

    To improve readability for users with color vision deficiency, white and black colors are used as much as possible to allow clear distinction between the text and background image. Color vision deficiency will also be a consideration in the creation of future background images.
    Both pictures and text are large for the convenience of users with poor eyesight.
    Audio tracks are provided throughout the content for the visually impaired and the program has been developed to allow the use of the audio learning materials without a dependency on visual content. In future developments, "English Buddy" plans to include Braille textbooks.
    For the hearing-impaired, the Reading chapters provide subtitles that are synchronized to the audio tracks. In the future, "English Buddy" plans to include subtitles for all chapters, as well as videos of sign language.